Archive | May, 2014

Baby Shower Cupcakes

25 May

Baby boy blue..and yellow and green were the theme colours of these gorgeous baby shower cupcakes.


Handmade edible buttons, rubber duckies, jumpsuits, ‘it’s a boy discs’, baby under a blanket and toy boats topped of these delicious Vanilla Bean Cupcakes with Vanilla Bean Frosting and Gluten Free Choc Mint Cupcakes with Mint Frosting! Even the cupcakes wrappers were chosen to match the theme!


For custom made and unique cupcakes for any occasion MAD ABOUT CAKES can create it for you!

Contact us via our website or facebook page and don’t forget to follow us on pintrest and instagram at #madaboutcakesaustralia

Mother’s Day Gift!

4 May

This Mother’s Day offer your mum a truly unique and special gift from MAD about Cakes!


These aren’t just your standard flower pots…cleverly hidden inside are delicious, moist and fudgy Chocolate Cakes! Layered with lush Chocolate Frosting and finished with a crumbled crunch of ‘Chocolate Earth’. This decadent combination is waiting to be devoured just underneath those flowers!


From this rich and mouthwatering chocolate soil grows three beautiful handmade sugar gerbera flowers in pink, yellow or orange. You can select mum’s favourite colour, but if you cant decide you can even have all three!


Once mum has licked the pot clean, she can even reuse it to grow her very own flowers!


These gorgeous gifts are selling for $30 BUT order before Wednesday the 7th and get your Flower Pot Cake for only $25! 

Order now by calling/texting 0415 929 608 or email!
