Tag Archives: bloke

Tool Box Cake

8 Sep

My brother turned 18 and wanted some fancy shmancy toolbox for his birthday. So I gave him a tool box, just not in the way he was expecting. I gave him an entirely edible tool box cake made from a delicious Gluten Free Chocolate Fudge Cake layered with delicious Peanutbutter and Jelly Frosting.

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The cake was stacked and coated in a thick chocolate ganache. I then covered it in red fondant and airbrushed it to achieve that shiny metal effect. Added details such as the hand painted handles finished off the toolbox. But, no tool box is complete without tools!

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Every tool, nut and bolt was handmade, airbrushed and dusted for a realistic finish and was entirely edible. Although my brother may never be able to use this toolbox, he most definitely can eat it!


For realistic and out of this world novelty cake contact MAD ABOUT CAKES today via our facebook or website.

Yum! Want more? Follow us on pintrest and instagram at #madaboutcakesaustralia

Retirement Cupcakes

17 Jul

Retirement is no easy step in someones life, so why not make it a little more fun and delicious with some personalised cupcakes!

Up for grabs were Gluten Free Choc Fudge Cupcakes with Coconut Cupcakes and Strawberry Cupcakes with Zesty Lemon Frosting.


The retiree looked forward to a future of travelling and golf. Handmade edible toppers of suitcases, flying planes, golf holes and clubs adorned these tasty cupcakes.


We even custom designed some paper toppers with a farewell message that the customer could keep as a memorable token.


For cupcakes and cakes to mark any occasion contact MAD ABOUT CAKES today via our website or facebook page.

To keep up to date with everything cake follow us on pintrest and instagram at #madaboutcakesaustralia

KFC Bucket Cake

12 Nov

I think we have discovered the secret recipe for amazing Kentucky fried chicken! Rice bubbles mixed with marshmallows, covered with crushed cornflakes and airbrushed to perfection! Crunchy and sweet at the same time.


Our latest edible creation is a KFC Bucket with a side of crisp French fries.Everything is edible and the Colonel himself has even been hand painted. Have your dinner and dessert all in one incredible Gluten Free Choc Fudge and Vanilla Bean Frosting cake!


Turn anything you love into a memorable cake! Order now by contacting MAD ABOUT CAKES via our website, visit our facebook page  and don’t forget to follow us on instagram at #madaboutcakesaustralia.

Sport Cupcakes

7 Aug

Men and cute cupcakes don’t always go in the same sentence…but this time it does! Our latest cupcakes capture the essence of a true Aussie bloke.

Carefully hand crafted footballs and cricket-bats sit on delicious Lemon Zest and Cookies ‘n’ Cream Cupcakes. We have created grass by applying a layer of crunchy coconut and airbrushed the cupcakes with a green grass colour. This creates an effective and delicious form of grass to complete the striking cupcakes!

Don’t ever think you can’t get your man some macho (and adorable) cupcakes.

To see all our delicious and creative work visit our facebook page and website. Don’t forget to follow us on instragram ‪#‎madaboutcakesaustralia.

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A Man’s Cake: Steel Cake

26 Sep

Whoever said cakes cant be macho? Well let me put that rumour to rest with our very manly and butch ‘Steel Cake’ design. A delicious gluten free chocolate fudge cake is layered and then covered with a decadent chocolate ganache – a mans dream! The cake displays an outdoor workspace filled with steel parts and the man who can do it all – the builder! All edible of course. The cake has even been personalised to include the company name. Don’t wait to make a bloke you know very happy!